Thursday, 31 March 2011

'Fight Club' reveiws
Review from the BBC's Almar Haflidason, commenting on why 'Fight Club' will appear threatening and offensive to some viewers. Reasons for this involve political incorrectness and attacks on world stability and safety. However, the Reviewer also notes that viewers will enjoy the film if they thought that this review was over-pretentious and only knit-picked.
Total film review of 'Fight Club', noting that so much can actually be said about the film, and this is the reason for it's controversy - 'there's an endless list of subtexts and viewpoints which will fuel student pub debates for years'. Nevertheless, it praises the cinematography and stresses that whatever you think of it, it is a film that simply has to been seen a somepoint in your lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. It will be interesting to see if your critical viewing of the film matches any of these comments.
