If a wide knowledge of Fincher's other films is obtained, than a good answer will stem from a question like this. However, if not, it will probably be something to avoid.
Links with social, political and cultural context. Useful for studying masculinity and its questionability in the film.
Information gained today is more trivial than critical. Unsure if this would form a strong exam answer.
The speech delivered by Pitt "Movie Gods and Rockstars" poses a potential argument to spring, based on irony and weather it was deliberate or not. Another argument that could spring is the studio's original cast desires and how they ended up with the choices that they did. What changed? Why did they consider who they did?
Again, subjects raised from this area appear more trivial, and I would be unsure about creating a strong argument from this source
Social, Cultural and Political context
Interesting to see what news articles and press responses arise from watching the film. Issues of the character's place in society can be assessed, as well as subjects such as capitalism, commercialisation and extremism.
Not a good subject to form an essay or an argument on. It is difficult to make a judgment on the genre of the film.
'Project Mayhem' is an organisation comparable to other extremist movements. However, this is more of a case of morality, rather than ethnicity, so this topic is probably best left ignored.
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